Friday, April 17, 2009

Eliza's 1st Birthday Party at the Park

For Eliza's first birthday we had party at Garfield Park. We had her birthday party during park day with the girls from Church on April 17th. We invited everyone for a cupcake. It was a fun party. Eric was even able to make it for the festivities along with Dennis and Linda.
We sure had a fun time!!!
Happy 1st Birthday Eliza!!!
Gretta helped me make cupcakes for the party.

Gretta and her friends, Julie, Joy and Emerald.

Ryder enjoying his cupcake.



Joceyln and Trent

Nya and Desi

Alyssa, Suzy, Lisa and Taylor

Gretta getting ready to hit the pinata.

Checking out the candy.

The whole family

Eliza and Daddy

Happy Birthday Eliza!!!