Saturday, April 11, 2009

Trip to Boise for Easter Weekend

Thursday April 9, 2008

We got to Boise late Wednesday night. It was a pretty good trip. Gretta is such a good traveler and knows the whole airport and airplane routine. There were a few unaccompanied minors on our flight. Gretta asked why their parents were leaving them all by themselves. Once she realized that they were going to visit someone they loved by themselves she was convinced that next time I don't need to fly to Boise with her. She is sure she can go by herself too. I actually think she could do it, but I think the airlines make them be 5. All and All it wasn't that bad of flight with two kids.

Thursday we meet my mom's friends Wendy Marti, Baily and Austin at the Discovery Center. Gretta and Baily are about the same age and so are Austin and Eliza. My Grandpa came too. Gretta and Baily had a great time together.

They rode this up and down many times.

Grandpa trying out some of the experiments.

We even talked Grandpa in going up in the swing. Gretta and Baily pulled him up.

Playing Vets

Waiting to be seen by the Doctor. Gretta and Baily "Broke" their arms.

Eliza hanging out with Grandpa and Nana.

We had a great time at the Discovery Center.

Friday April 10 2009

Grandpa feeding Eliza

Gretta and Nana dying easter eggs

Making Easter Cookies

Nana with Austin and Eliza

Saturday April 11, 2009
Saturday morning we went to an Easter Egg hunt with Baily Marti. Gretta and Baily had so much fun together. Here is them with their baskets on their heads. How silly! Oh to be 3 again.

Nana with her girls in the Mall