Saturday, April 25, 2009

Disneyland with Aunt Brittany

Aunt Brittany was home from BYU for a few days. She came to Disneyland with us on April 24th. We sure had a fun time. Gretta was so excited because she finally had someone to ride all of the big rides with.

Chelsey, Brittany's friend, Gretta and Brittany waiting for Toy Story II

Chelsey and Brittany

Gretta in her 3D glasses

Gretta on Toy Story II with her 3D glasses

Gretta Dancing in the Parade.

Gretta loves Pooh!
Gretta went on Splash Mountain for the first time. I waiting on the bridge so patiently to snap the perfect picture of her going down the water fall. Once I saw them I snapped the picture. What I didn't realize was this guys head was in the way!!! Arugh. Oh well. You can't really see who is in the log any way. She had a great time.

Thanks for going to Disneyland with us Aunt Brittany!!!