Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Eliza!!!

Dear Eliza,
We can't believe you are already one year old. The this year has gone by very quickly. It has been fun to see you learn and grow. You are now officially a toddler. You love to walk around and show off your stuff.
You have a very delightful personality!!! You love to smile, laugh, make other laugh, and are so easy going. You are also very smart. I can tell you are going to be an intelligent kid.
We are so grateful that Heavenly Father sent you to us.
We love you very much!
Mom & Dad

12 Months
11 Months
10 Months

9 Months

8 Months

7 Months
6 Months
Eliza's 1st tooth December 2008

Eliza September 2008
Huff Family

Eliza with Great Grandpa George Huff
4 month photo

Gretta and Eliza
August 2008 Hawaii
August 2008

July 2008

Eliza 3 month photos June2008

June 2008 with Grandma and Grandpa Huff. Celebration Grandma Gretta Huff's 96th Birthday.

Eliza 6 week photos

Eliza 6 weeks with Great Grandfather Herb Goodrich
Eliza's blessing day May 2008

April 17, 2007