Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Day After Thanksgiving

Eric got up and braved the "Black Friday" sales. He was curious as to what it was going to be like. He said it was crazy and quite an experience. He scored some good deals. One of which was a $25 Christmas tree. We decided since we are leaving so early for Christmas break it wasn't worth getting a real one. And after last years experience of TONS of needles falling off we decided against it too. I hope some day we will be able to continue the tradition of cutting our own Christmas tree down. But it is going to have to wait for a while.
Gretta enjoyed helping Eric set up the tree.

The finished product.

Gretta trying to help Eliza, but Eliza didn't want her help.

Looks like Christmas at our house!!!

Who does this remind you of??? Grandma Gretta? Eliza was making sure she doesn't get any wrinkles on her forehead. I guess it is never to early to start.

Off to Discovery Gateway again! Still fun. On Wed Gretta didn't think we stayed long enough. More playing in the house and with the water.

Eliza drying off after playing with the water.
We had a great family day!


mistyp said...

We should meet you at the museum sometime... We have a pass but hardly ever go now that Briel is in school and I have a 3rd to haul around. Email me if you ever want to go. Guess maybe after the holidays are over....?