Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Night at Papa Goodrich's House 2009

Christmas night we went to Eric's Grandpa, Herb Goodrich's, house. We started off the night with song time follow by a wonderful dinner. We all had an enjoyable evening thanks to the good music, food and family.

Eliza helping at the piano

Gretta singing the Cougar Fight song. Go Cougars!!!

Hopefully they can play the piano someday.

Photo's by Gretta

Mike, Lyndsey, Me, Eric
Mike even got his I phone to sound like sleigh bells. Pretty cool!

The whole gang around the table

Opening Presents

Gretta telling Papa Thank you for her College Money.

Mike Hill, Linday's boyfriend, Rod & Allison Guillen

Papa and his Great Grand Daughters

This is Gretta being a dog and Eliza "walking"her.

The whole gang: Top Row: Dennis, Darron, Allison, Rod, Eric
Bottom Row: Eliza, Linda, Herb Goodrich, Allison, Gretchen & Gretta