Monday, December 7, 2009

Gretta's Birthday Party

Since we are going to be in California for Gretta's real birthday we celebrated it a little bit early with the kids from her primary class. She was SO EXCITED!!! She loves having people come play at her house, and she also loves being the center of attention.
The only sad thing is that I didn't get very many good pictures. I was too busy making sure that Eight 4 year olds weren't getting into trouble.
It was especially fun for Gretta because her friend Julie Snow, from CA who also moved to UT this summer, came and it was fun to see her and Holly. Rachel Palmer our old neighbor from California also came and brought her daughters Emily and Kate.
Plus the Harts who we carpool to preschool with dropped by for a few minutes before they had to head to preschool. Caleb goes 5 days a week.
The fact that is was snowing all day made it especially impressive that all the kids came. I wish I took a picture of all of their boots and snow gear by the door.
We had pizza for lunch and then played pin the tail on the donkey. I think they all cheated. Eliza also wanted to get in on the action. Then we had cupcakes and opened presents. It was a fun party.
Thanks to everyone who came!!!


The Waldrams said...

Happy 4th Birthday Gretta! Looks like a fun party!