Monday, December 14, 2009

Gretta's California Friend's Birthday Party

Today was Gretta's birthday party with some of her California girl friends. Gretta still misses Aubree and Issy a lot. She still hasn't made a great girl friend in Utah. There aren't that many girls in our ward her age. I also haven't meet anyone in MBASA who has a girl her age who I am good friends with. She plays with lots of boys, but miss Aubree and Issy. She even makes up imaginary friends who's names are Aubree and Issy. So everyone was so nice to come help celebrate her birthday at Jumpin Jamming another favorite So Cal place.
Thanks Linda for taking us all!
Here are some pictures of our time together.
Eliza and Haylee

Izzy and Gretta

All the kids

Eliza, Issy, Gretta & Aubree

Who knew that McDonald's boxes could be so much fun!
Suzette, Me, Eliza, Nicole,
Issy, Gretta & Aubree
Good Friends! We sure had a fun time.
Thanks everyone for coming!