Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Aquarium & Dying Easter Eggs

The Penguins have been coming to the Aquarium for a long time. First we thought it was going to be in February,and then they just said March. The first week of March when we went we found out it wasn't going to be until March 26th. Gretta was pretty sad. All of the waiting finally paid off and we were able to go and see the penguins. We arrived at 11:08. The Aquarium opens at 11:00 and needless to say it was already more crowded then any weekday I we have ever been there. I think the Penguins will help bring in a lot more money for the Aquarium.
We headed straight there. I didn't catch what kind they were, but they were super active in the water swimming all around. The kids thought it was really cool and so did I. I forgot to take a picture of them, but here are Gretta, Eliza and our friend Megan and Emily sizing up to the penguin on the wall.

After a fun trip to the Aquarium Megan & Emily came over to help us dye Easter eggs. The girls sure had a fun time.

Gretta showing off her eggs.

This is a random picture Gretta took of me.

Then I took this one of her. I think it was past her bedtime, but isn't she cute!