Tuesday, March 16, 2010

FHE Bowling

We took the girls bowling at BYU tonight for FHE. I wasn't sure how it was going to go over, but it was a huge success. Mostly because they have bumper bowling, and also this contraption you see in some of the picture where you put the ball at the top of the ramp and push it down. Even Eliza could do it, and she got a strike!!!
We will have to do this again some time soon. Or I guess we are getting ready to live in Michigan. The town has a huge bowling alley.

Gretta's victory dance.


Tisha said...

so fun! so you guys are headed to Michigan for the summer! wow! no NC huh? :( does this mean you may go there permanently next year? eliza and greta look so grown-up! love the pics of greta's preschool! so cute! we miss you guys too! - would LOVE to see you sometime!

bryceandjamie said...

Looks like a lot of fun and way to go Eliza for getting a strike!