Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Patriotic Preschool Program

Gretta had a patriotic program at preschool today. They came marching out holding flags. During the first song they got to wave them around. That is just way to much fun for 3-4 year olds. Gretta almost knocked down President Abe Lincoln with her flag.
They also recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang quite a few other songs. If I can figure out how to upload a video I will add that later.
I was a little sad because quite a few of the girls she talks about where absent today. I would have liked to meet them and their moms. Oh well. Gretta did a great job. It has been fun to hear her sing the songs at home too. She really loves to sing. This is also one of the first times she was in a program where she didn't get really shy and not participate. She really enjoyed singing and doing the actions to the songs. I think her favorite was, "Take me out to the Ball Game."

Gretta and her homeroom teacher Miss Cami

This is the kitchen room. Isn't it beautiful!!! The whole preschool is beautiful!