Monday, May 16, 2011

BYU Ducky Derby

Saturday morning we went to the Ducky Derby at BYU. When were first told me about the event I figured that the people who showed up would be mostly families with kids. I guess I forgot that we lived in a college town. The couple behind us in line were on a first date and it was funny to hear their conversation about their families etc. Plus 600 people turned out for the event. We got there right at 10am when it started and had to wait in line for 40 mins to buy our ducks. They actually had to go buy more ducks. 
Once we got our ducks and were assigned to a heat we went to decorate our ducks.

Eliza hiding her duck

Get read, set, go!

Poor Eliza's duck was in last place for a while.

We didn't win, but we sure had fun! Especially because they had J-Dawgs for lunch too. What a great activity.