Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BYU with Ada

 Monday we were so excited to hang out with Ada again. First we went to the BYU bookstore. She had so much fun looking at all of the stuff. She found some treasures to take back to HK too.
 Then we went to Panda Express for lunch. We were going to go to In N Out, but Gretta threw a big fit and wanted to go to Panda. Ada agreed to go to Panda even though it is a far cry from real Chinese food. Gretta ate her whole kids meal and some of my orange chicken too!
 Then Ada and I went on a Campus tour in the golf tour hosted by the Alumni center.

 They didn't actually let us drive the golf cart :(
Then we played in the back yard and had Trevor and Kayla over for dinner. I wish I had gotten a picture of them at dinner. Trevor served with me in HK and Kayla is from HK. They lived in HK after getting married and Trevor in Ada's Bishopric in Tai Po. Trevor just graduated with Eric from the MBA program and they are also headed to Michigan, but the other side of the state. We had a nice dinner.