Monday, March 4, 2013

Carli 11 months

Carli 11 months
This last month has been full of lots of activity. Carli is really moving and shaking. She can army crawl and due to her new found speed has given up on rolling. She can also go from sitting to the floor and back up to sitting again. She is army crawling, but only uses her left leg and elbows to pull her self along. The Physical Therapist, Pam Duffy, was visiting last week and watched her stand and crawl around. After taking a good look at her it looks like her left foot might need an orthotic. It turns in quite a bit when she puts weight on it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since both Eric and Gretta have orthotic's too. But when she was looking at her hip she noticed a decreased abduction in the right hip. It is the same hip she doesn't use to crawl and also a difference in the folds of her left and right leg. I made an appointment with the pediatric to check it out too. I know other people with sticklers have problems with their hips, but thus far no one in the family has had a problem like this. So we will see what comes of it. Her one leg army crawl isn't slowing her down one bit!
She is also trying to pull herself up on furniture and loves to stand and hold on the the sofa. 
Her sisters love to help her walk around. 
Eliza and Gretta love to get her to laugh. 
She has 6 teeth. 2 upper and 4 lower.
She had a sleep study on Feb 19-20 at University of Michigan.
She got ear tubes and another hearing test Feb 27th at University of Michigan. 
Carli loves to clap.
She also loves to eat. I think she is my best eater so far. So far we haven't found a food she won't eat. She however seems to be affected by texture. She wouldn't eat a stage 3 mac n cheese, but when I ground it up more she ate it right down. 
She hasn't really showing any preference in food yet. 
She had bread for the first time tonight and loved it!
She is practicing with a cup too. 
She still isn't saying any words, but is making a lot more sounds. 
She is very curious and almost always makes a bee line straight to the computer when put on the floor. 
She loves all cords and electronics. 
She loves to splash and splash in her bath. 
She is still a great sleeper and is very flexible. She is so happy and easygoing.
Carli we love you and are so happy you joined our family!