Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shedd Aquarium

Saturday we got up and went to the Shedd Aquarium. It's a good thing that we bought our tickets online before hand because the line was worse than any day I have ever been to Disneyland! It was crazy!!!! We went to the 10am aquatics show. The girls and I went the summer Eric interned at Whirlpool and it was called the Dolphin show back then and was much more of a "show" now they just tell you about the animals and how they train them. I am sure it's the pc thing to do, but the "show" was much more entertaining.   Oh well. It was still fun to see the dolphins and whales. The aquarium was very crowed so as it turns out the Dora 4 D movie was everyone's favorite part. Don't the kids looks cute in their 3 D glasses! 
After the morning at the aquarium we went back to the hotel and had a nice visit with Uncle George and Aunt Shelley. Then Gabe, Anna, Eric and I went to the Temple and out to dinner why my Mom, Dad and Grandpa watched all of the grand kids.