Sunday, February 9, 2014

Papa Goodrich's 95th Birthday Party

Yesterday Eric's Maternal Grandfather, Herbert Goodrich, celebrated his 95th Birthday in Southern California. Sadly we weren't able to attend due to me being 33 weeks pregnant with twins. We know we missed a great party!!! This picture was taken 10 years ago at Papa's 85th Birthday Party. Little did I know how going to that party was going to change my life!!! It was the first time I meet Eric's family and part of a wonderful journey with Eric Fors that started just over 10 years ago. I love you Eric and am grateful for you everyday of my life. 
3 States, 2 Countries, 3 (about to be 5) kids, 6 residences, 6 jobs, 3 degrees and lots of travel, good times and great memories.