Monday, February 3, 2014

Thanks Nana!

The girls were so excited to get a package in the mail from Nana with some cozy warm winter clothes in it.The girls love their new outfits.  Thanks mom for keeping them warm. Carli wasn't as excited to model her new clothes, but she was excited to show off her Valentines candy:) 

I am amazed how much they both grew since last winter. Since coming home I have had to buy Eliza new tennis shoes. I thought she was a 12 and it turns out she is wearing a 1, and get both of them new snow boots and Gretta new snow pants. Luckily before we left I bought Eliza a new snow suit at Costoc and all of the girls new gloves. It's also nice to be buying everything on winter clearance instead of full price and internet shopping is amazing! Amazon prime is my friend again:)