Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Eliza starts solid foods

"Come on Mom! I am starving, and that looks good."
Eliza enjoyed her first meal of rice cereal and bananas yesterday and LOVED IT!

I have been putting off starting solid foods with Eliza. I just remember it being so much work with Gretta and a lot of mess, so I figured I would wait until Eliza was really ready. Well after a few weeks of acting really interested in our food, and my mom giving her rice cereal while she was baby sitting her last week I finally gave in. Our first few attempts have been very successful.
Tonight she at peas without even thinking twice about it. I hope she will keep liking vegetables. Doesn't she look big in the high chair? Our baby is growing up way to fast!



I can't believe how fast they grow up!! Your girls sure make me smile when I check on your cute little family. :)

ada said...

Eliza is so cherub.I miss her.