Friday, October 31, 2008

One fun busy day

This morning Gretta went to preschool. She LOVES preschool. I am so glad that she enjoys it, and has such a good time. She always has a pile of art work to bring home, and sandy socks and shoes, so I am sure she is having a great time. Today they went on a pumpkin hunt and then colored the pumpkins. It looked like a fun day. After preschool we went to Kidspace with some of our friends. It was such a wonderful fall day at Kidspace. We haven't been there for months! Last spring I was tired of all school groups and crowds, and then it was just to hard for me to take two kids this summer. Today was wonderful! No crowds, a fun fall hay maze, and friends. It was wonderful! I am ready to head back again soon before our pass expires.

Sarah's friend from school, Sarah Smith, Tyler Shek and Gretta
Gretta and Tyler

Gretta doesn't like the way the hay feels, so I couldn't get her to sit on the hay bale.



Painting. However her favorite activity at this station it to pour out all of the paint in the cups.

Playing with water.

What a great life!