Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gretta visits the Dentist and a rainy day suprise!

Friday was unusual day in Southern California. It rained! In the morning Gretta had a dentist appointment. Techniquely she has been to see the dentist during her yearly team visit. The two times she has been to see them they gave me grief for at least 10 minutes because she hadn't been to see the dentist yet, and asked me multiple questions like... "How many times a day do you brush her teeth? How much soda does she drink? What have you done to get her to stop sucking her thumb?" Then they would look in her mouth and say,"Looks great!"

However this year were weren't so lucky because they stopped taking our dental insurance. So I figured it was time to make her an appointment to see the dentist Eric and I go to. Her trip was also spurred on by the fact that she kept asking to go because she is convinced that if you don't go to the dentist all of your teeth will fall out. I am not quite sure where she learn that. I thinkit might have come from "Sid the Science Kid". In preparation for going to the Dentist we started talking about it, practiced "counting" her teeth, and read, "Dora goes to the Dentist." She was very excited, and even more excited because Eric went too. She got to see him in the chair having the dentist look at his teeth too. She did great. She even let them polish her teeth. The good news is that she doesn't have any cavities. Yeah!!!

She looks so small in the big chair.

Ready and excited.

She was a great patient.
Then after the dentist appointment we went to the library for reading time. That was a big success. The problem was what to do next? Usually we go to the park with girls from Church on Friday afternoon, but since it was raining we just went home. I was a little worried beacause we had been warned of a planned power outage in our building on Friday from 8am until 3pm, and was really hoping that the power would be on when we got home. We saw the people coming just as we were leaving for the dentist.
When we arrived home luckily the power was on. However, it never went off, so maybe due to the rain they will have to come back later.
We were greeted with some packages at the door. Gretta LOVES packages and espcially when they are for her.
Nana you saved the day!!! It was so much fun to play with Gretta's princess tent. It was a great rainy day activity. Eliza loves the jumparoo too.

Gretta showing off.

Happy as can be!!!

Thank you Nana!!!