Monday, January 19, 2009

Gretta's new hair cut

Eric and I took Gretta on Saturday to get her 2nd hair cut. The only other hair cut she has ever had is by our friend Wendy in Boise. Gretta did great. She was a little scared at first because she thought it would hurt, but after the first cut she realized that it was going to be okay.

Sitting on the black horse getting her hair cut.

The finished product.

Isn't she so cute!!!

What happened to my little girl? Gretta looks so grown up now.


Ruth said...

That haircut is adorable. I LOVE it. Michelle has had 5 haircuts now (only one by me). We keep giving her a bob while we wait for her bangs to grow out. Then we'll see where we go from there. I love the short on her too, but longer might be fun.

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

Cute hair cut. I am very partial to short hair.

Shelley said...

She is so cute. And she does look so grown up. Sometimes I wish the growing process would slow down; sometimes I wish it would speed up!! Hope you are well. I miss you guys.