Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gretta's Dance Recital

Saturday Gretta had a dance recital. They danced to "There's a fiddle in the middle". Gretta really enjoys dance class. She also enjoys that so many of her friends are in her class. Gretta and Aubree before the performance. Gretta and Aubree have been friends since their days together in the NICU.
Getting ready for the show.

Let the show begin...Gretta, Julie, Aubree, Isabelle

The star of the show!!!

Gretta, Julie, Aubree

Julie, Emma, Aubree, Isabelle and Gretta
Julie, Aubree, Isabelle and Gretta have birthday's all in late November or December, so they are weeks apart in age. However, Gretta seems to be like me and is already taller than everyone.

The whole gang!!!
It was a darling performance. Way to go girls!
(Hopefully Julie's mom will post her video so
I can steal it since I didn't remember the video camera. Hint Hint!)


holly said...

I will try to post it...but I think I just had a close up of Julie the whole time. sorry. :)

Melissa Marilyn said...

There is absolutely nothing cuter than little girls in dance clothes! How fun!