Friday, March 27, 2009

"I am the mom"

One of Gretta's favorite pretend play games is for her to be the "mom" and for me to be the "big sister". She loves to hold my purse, open the door, tell Eliza and me what to do, and just be the boss. I am hoping this is a phase that will pass.

The other day she wanted to push Eliza around in the stroller. I decided it would be okay if I was close. She had a great time. Eliza seemed to not mind either.
Isn't Eliza a cute baby?

Isn't Gretta a cute "mom".

This picture is from June 2008. Look how much they have grown!


mistyp said...

I'd say they both grew! You have two kids now! (They don't look like babies anymore, in other words.) :)