Monday, March 16, 2009

Nana Carolyn's Visit

My mom came for a visit this last weekend. We really enjoyed her visit. Gretta especially likes it when Nana visits. It was also really nice for us because she watched the kids for us a lot.

She arrived in the afternoon. Gretta was so excited to pick her up after preschool. Then she watched both kids so that Eric and I could go to the LA Temple and fill our Temple Sealing assignment. It is always wonderful to go to the Temple.
Here is Gretta pretending to go to the doctor with my mom. She is saying, "Augh."
I had to work, so my mom watched the kids. They had a great time. They went to the library and to park day with other girls from the ward. My mom and Linda saved the day because they took both kids to the pediatrician. I thought Eliza had an ear infection and Gretta still had her cough. It turns out by the time they took Eliza to the doctor she had full blown pink eye. The kid looked horrible by the time I got home from work. Poor Eliza. Gretta still can't seem to get over this cough. This the third antibiotic she has been on and she still is taking breathing treatments. Thanks for saving the day!!!

In the morning my mom and I went to the Relief Society Birthday Celebration. It was lovely and we had a good time. Linda also came with us, and we took Harryette Hake and Sara Knapp, who I visit teach.
Getting ready to leave
Me, Linda and SaraHailey, Mom and Harryette
Then we went and rode bikes at Santa Monica Pier. It was so much fun! I am not sure why we haven't done this before. We really had a good time. It was a beautiful day and it really made me feel like we were on vacation in our own backyard.

I took Eliza in my trailer.
Eric at the rental shop getting ready to go with Gretta in his trailer.

At the Aquarium with a BIG eel in the back ground.
The whole gang with our sea crowns.
Eric, Gretchen, Eliza, Carolyn, Gretta and Linda
After the Aquarium Linda and my mom took the kids home and Eric and I enjoyed a nice evening on the town in Santa Monica. Some of our good friends from Provo, Glenn & Stacie Cowen, were in town so we went to dinner. We ate at Bucca De Beppo's. I had my first major celebrity sighting as we saw Denzel Washington. He was with a boys basketball team who has just won the Division 5 CIF Basketball tournament. I am sad we didn't get a picture of the Cowen's or of Denzel.

Us at the Pier
Church and to the airport.
Thanks Mom for coming to visit! We can't wait to see you at Easter.