Monday, August 10, 2009

Fun with Nana

After we arrived in Provo my mom came to town for a few days to help us get unpacked and set up. We worked really hard each morning and then tried to do something fun as a family each day. Saturday we went to Pioneer Pool and water slide. It is a public pool in Provo. We had a good time. Gretta loved going down the big slide with her dad, and showing off her swimming skills to Nana. She is really a "water dog".

Eliza hanging out with Nana poolside.

Sunday before church Gretta talked Eric into putting tutu on too. I just had to take a picture.

The garage has become one of Gretta's favorite places to play. She calls it her "House". She has the boxes set up to be things in her house and even has her own refrigerator. She loves having her own door so she can play, "knock, knock, ding dong."Nana accidentally left her nightgown when she left. Gretta just had to model it. We have Nana's nightgown and slippers, so she can come back when ever she wants.
Thanks for coming Nana!!!