Thursday, August 6, 2009

Good Bye 1719 Fremont Ave #302

When Eric and I looked at apartment #302 I don't think we ever imagined that we would live here for 4 years, or that we would have some many great memories of the place.

I will not miss having to put quarters in the washer and dryer, or having someone laundry sitting in the washer or dryer while I was waiting to use it.

The slightly scary elevator
All of our stuff getting packed up.

How the sofa went up to our apartment and came down. Over the balcony.
We will miss you #302, but are moving on to bigger and better. We aren't sad to leave the "710 Freeway" noise, or having to drag 2 kids and all of our stuff from the car up 3 flights. We will miss our neighbors and friends who lived in the building. We have fond memories of Bea and Phil Levin the original managers, and of Ellen Abrams ,their daughter, who took over after they both passed away. We will also have fond memories of bring both Gretta and Eliza home to #302, and all of their milestones that took place there.
It was where our family went from 2 to 4 over the 4 years.