Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nana Carolyn & Papa Jack's visit

We had a busy Labor Day weekend. Both my parents's and Eric's parents came to town. Plus Eric's sister and brother-in-law. I am going to post the activities in two separate entries because it is easier for me to keep it straight that way.
My parents arrived on Friday at 2pm, and watched the girls from 2pm- 6pm while I was at work. Gretta and Eliza love to have Nana spoil them all by themselves. My dad kept busy by doing some much needed home improvement projects at our house. (see the descriptions and pictures below.)
Friday night we had dinner at home and then walked to the nearest ice cream shop for a treat. It was so nice to come home to happy kids, and a well made dinner. Friday night I kept everyone up late helping with hanging curtains and getting the living room all set up.
Saturday the guys went to Soldier Hollow and played golf while the girls went to Midway's Swiss Days. We meet up with my college friend's wife who live in Midway to go to the parade. Gretta loved the parade. In no way was it comparable to the Rose Parade, but just about everyone threw out candy. We came home with quite a hall. What kid doesn't like candy more than beautiful floats.
Midway is so beautiful! After the floats we visited some of the booth for a while. It made me wish I was super crafty and cute, but they were fun to look ate.
Saturday evening my parents, the girls and I went to Chinese food and then played some games. We don't have TV, but could tell who won the BYU game by all of the cheering and horn honking outside. Go Cougars.
Sunday they came to sacrament meeting with us and then drove home to Boise. It was so much fun to have them come visit. It is so nice that we are within driving distance now. Yeah! We hope to see more of them. Gretta and Eliza especially enjoyed their visit. Well I did too. It is always so nice to have your parents come visit.

Outside Scott and Jamie's house. Their lawn is getting put in the week. They have done a lot of work to get ready for it.

Eliza waiting for the parade to start.
Checking out what candy is on the road.

The whole gang. Gretchen, Carolyn, Gretta, Eliza and Linda.
Isn't Eliza cute in this hat. To bad it cost $20 and I know she wouldn't keep it on for more tha 20 seconds.

Amazing House projects by Captain Jack....

re-seeding the dead parts of our front lawn.

Before.... What do you think is down there??? It is just a weird space between the tub and sink that didn't have any flooring on it and was just asking to get wet.

After...This was an AMAZING fix. I asked our landlord what he was going to do about it and he didn't have any good ideas. My dad did an amazing job!!! Gretta loves to line her bath toys up on the shelf.

Fixed the back door so the glass doesn't shake when you shut it.

Playing beauty show with Gretta in her "Garage House"

On the way to church.

Thanks for coming to visit!!! Please come again soon.