Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 2- Palmyra & Niagara Falls

We started out at the Smith Family Farm and the Sacred Grove. Here we are in front of the log home where he lived when Angel Moroni appeared to him. 

Here is a photo by Gretta.

One of the places Joseph Smith hit the plates was on top of this dresser in a tool box. 
These next pictures are in the fame home they lived in after the log home.

Another place he hid the plates was in bed with his sisters. A mob came looking for them at night and they searched the whole room, but not the girls in bed and the plates were kept hidden.

This is Alvin's tree. They planted it after Alvin, Joseph's brother died. 

These next few pictures are from the Sacred Grove.

An attempt at a family picture.

The Sacred Grove was a very peaceful place. Being in the Sacred Grove helped strengthened  testimony that Joseph Smith at the age of 14 saw God the Father and  His Son Jesus Christ in the grove as an answer to his prayer.

Then we went to the Hill Cumorah. The church has a nice visitors center there. 

Then we went to the E.B.Grandin Print Shop where the first 5, 000 copies of the Book of Mormon were published. It took 18 months to print and bind the copies. They were beautiful book. They would have cost about 2 days wages to buy.

 One of the things that made an impression on me is seeing a sheet of the original manuscript from the translation. It is just word after word. There is no punctuation or defining of paragraphs. Joseph would say a word and the scribe would write it down. There are also no crossed out words. It is pretty amazing.
I know the Book of Mormon is true. Not from seeing these places today, although that did strengthen my testimony, but because I have read it and prayed to find out.

Then we drove about 2 hours to Niagara 

There were a lot of people there, but we still had a good time. The Falls are very spectacular even from the top. 

It was a great day! Then we headed to Canada. It is the first time the girls have been out of the country. We stayed in London, Ontario, Canada that night.