Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 3- Detroit & Home

We slept in Sunday morning and then drove from London to Detroit. Crossing the border back into Michigan wasn't as easy as getting into Canada. We were randomly selected for secondary screening. We had to pull over and answer a whole bunch of questions and then they searched our car. Our story is a little bit confusing because we are from Utah living in Michigan for the summer,  and if you ask Gretta she will tell you we are from California. Which is really true. After they searched our car they let us go. It took about 45 minutes. We made it just in time for church in Detroit and then took a picture of the Detroit Temple,. 
Afterward we headed to the Henry Ford Museum.

Our picnic by the Temple. I am not sitting down because there were large ants. The picnic didn't last long.

They drive Model T cars around the village. It is pretty cool. 
Then we headed home. We had to make a stop along the way in Ann Arbor to check out "THE BIG House"
We were home by 8pm Sunday night. Just in time for Eliza to show us her newest trick. Taking off her own PJ's. 
She is getting to be a big kid.
We sure had a great time. I was really a whirl wind tour, but still well worth it. The girls were great and we enjoyed being together as a family.