Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thanks mom!!!

My mom was very nice to come visit this week for a few days to watch the girls while I worked. One of our babysitter is getting married on Saturday, and the other one went to her wedding. It was so nice of her to rearrange her schedule to come. The girls love their Nana, and it was nice to have some company and a great babysitter. Thanks Mom!!!
It was really helpful too because Eliza has been really sick. It started with Gretta getting strep throat last Sunday. Then Eliza got it too. She seemed okay during the weekend while the Fors' were here. She has been running a fever since Monday and has been really sick. I took her back to the pediatrician on Wednesday. Her strep seems to be gone, but her Tonsils looked WORSE and she had lost a pound during the week. She doesn't have much extra weight to lose. This whole week we have been trying to get her to eat and keep her temperature down. The pediatrician at the Health Center thinks she has Mono. So far the test have been pretty inconclusive. The conclusive ones won't be back until next week. The good news is that she seems a little bit today! Thanks Mom for being a good nurse to Eliza!
She also threw me an early birthday party. Gretta enjoyed helping make the cupcakes and taking pictures. It was a fun party! Thanks!