Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July in Wisconsin Dells with the Bartoo's

Rodrigo is interning this summer with 3M in Minnesota. Rod & Allison went to Chicago for the weekend. We happened to meet up on the 90 at the Dells, so they stopped off to join us for dinner at McDonalds. What a fun surprise! Allison is going to come visit us in a few weeks her in St. Joe's. It was fun to see both of them just one week after Darron & Allison's wedding. Who would have thought last year that this year we would be driving around the mid-west.

Then we headed to Glacier Canyon Resort in the Wilderness Territories Resort to meet up with the Bartoo's. The Condo was nice and the place is HUGE! There are 4 indoor and 4 outdoor water parks. We didn't even make it to all of them. Gretta was in HEAVEN. She loved every min of it. The girls especially liked seeing their cousin Jackson too,

In Klondike Kave with 1, 000 gallons of water coming down on them.

Waiting for the duck race in the morning.

Here they come. Jackson won on Sunday and Monday.

waiting for our covered wagon ride.

Enjoying our wagon ride.

Jackson enjoying his first experience with corn on the cob.

Ready for the fireworks.
We stopped by the play place before. It was like Jumping Jamming in Arcadia. The girls had a great time!

The resort was like a cruise ship it had tons to do!

waiting for the fireworks. Each resort has their own firework show. Aren't the little kid chairs so cute!

Then is started to rain!

Even with rain the fireworks were still fun!

Monday before we left Eric took the girls to one more wave pool. 

What a great weekend!