Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cousin Emily & Lincoln Park Zoo

We picked cousin Emily up at Midway this morning. Gretta has been counting down the days until she came she was so excited. Emily's picture is on our family calendar for the month of July and one day I over heard Gretta telling Eliza, "This is cousin Emily. She is coming to visit soon and I am so excited." 
We were all excited Emily would venture to Michigan to visit us. 
After we picked her up at the airport we headed to Lincoln Park Zoo. It was a hot and humid day in Chicago, and I forgot the stroller, but we still had fun. I rented a stroller from the zoo for only $13. I was sure it was going to be at least $28 dollars because that it was it is at Disneyland, but was really happy it was only $13 because I was desperate and would have paid almost anything they asked. Without Emily and the stroller we wouldn't have made it especially when Gretta got really tired in the afternoon.

The zoo is great. It is FREE too! We saw a lot of animals and had a really great time. Eliza especially liked all of the birds.

We were sad we couldn't find the polar bear. I am sure he was hiding inside due to the heat.
It is kind of funny to see a tall building right behind a giraffe. 

This black bear had the right idea! He is enjoying a nice soak in the river.

We sure had a great day!
When we got back to St. Joe's it was still really hot and after dinner headed to the beach for a swim. The water was warm and we had a great time. What summer fun!