Monday, July 12, 2010

Blueberry Picking

Gretta took this picture and it is just too cute not to post. I am sad to say that Eliza has gotten more attached to her passy. I am not quite sure what to do about this. I have noticed almost off of the pictures of her she has it in her mouth. 

This morning we went and picked blueberries. After a great big thunderstorm last night that cooled it down it was the perfect temperature outside. We actually ran into 2 families from the ward. One of them happens to be the wife of Eric's boss. I guess that is what you get when  you live in a small town. Blueberries are easy to pick and we sure had a great time. I was however a little hard for Eliza just to get the blue ones. 

All ready to go. Isn't the lake in the back so inviting on a hot day.

Emma & Gretta showing off what they picked.

Easy picking.

This is what she got in about 20 mins. 

1.5 lbs of blueberries = $2.32  
Not bad. We are going to make some cobbler with them when we get home. Yummy!