Monday, April 15, 2013

Carli's 1 year well child check up

I took Carli in for her well child check. 
Weight 22 lbs
Height 31 inches (Which was less than her last well child check so I am sure they measured wrong last time.)
19 inches head circumference

Carli has 8 teeth- Four on top and four on the bottom
She went to the dentist for the first time last week and did great!
She isn't eating as well as she once did. She is now showing a preference to certain food and really likes to feed herself. If she doesn't like what is coming via spoons he will swat it away. This has been challenging.
She also grunts when she wants a certain food, but it is hard to know what that grunting always means.
Since getting her ear tubes and hearing aids she is making more sound. Her only real word right now is mama, and it isn't always directed at me. She is vocalizing more and more everyday. It is fun to hear her carry on a baby babble conversation with me.
She will start waiving her hand when she hears music like she is trying to direct music, or wants to dance.
She loves to clap.
She continues to be happy and well nature.
She continues to be a good sleeper. Due to her sisters active schedule she doesn't have a regular nap schedule but is very flexible  She has gone some days without a morning nap and still takes shorter naps or one long nap everyday.  She sleeps at least 11 to 12 hours every night.
She was so tired on Sunday from a long morning at church that she fell asleep sitting up in her high chair eating lunch!
She has started wearing her hearing aids and seems to be tolerating them well.
Had her pre op with the Plastic Surgeon and her cleft palate repair with Dr. Buchman is scheduled for May 14th.
She is working on drinking from a cup.
Took her first steps on April 17th to help celebrate her sister Eliza's 5th birthday.
Is moving around very freely. She can cruise with ease, pull her self up to standing  kneel, go from standing to sitting controlled.She can also open drawers, cupboards, duck under pews at church, crawl through a tunnel and climb up a step. She still hasn't mastered the art of climbing up the stairs, but hasn't been getting much practice due to the flooding in the basement. She graduated from Early On PT.
She has an official IEP and still gets speech twice a month, and now her teacher from the hearing impaired department is going to start coming twice a month too.
Has been to the audiologist office more times than I can count. She did a great job with her hearing test in the booth even if it took her first reeses peanut butter cup to bribe her.
Carli is a delight and joy to our family. She seems to have a very adventurous spirit! It has been fun to see her personality more lately.
We love you Carli and are so happy you are part of our family!