Thursday, April 25, 2013

Take your daughter to work day!!

Whirlpool has a wonderful tradition of supporting the National Take-Your-Kid-To-Work Day, which occurs every year around the end of April.

This year, I snuck Gretta in to the event (the kids are supposed to be 8 and up!) since she's pretty darn smart and taller than some 8 year olds I know!

The funny thing is that the things we do with our kids on that day are NOTHING like the things we do during a regular work day. We made rocket ships out of spare electronic parts. Gretta got to be a chef and test making cookies in a new KitchenAid oven and go to an ice cream social! We never do any of those things at work. So I think we are giving our children unrealistic expectations about what work life is all about!

It was a lot of fun to have my oldest daughter at work with me knowing that my work is able to meet the needs of my sweet little daughter Gretta!