Monday, July 14, 2008

Nana's Visit

My mom came to visit us and just to hang out. The last few times she has come it been a whole family affair and full of lots of pre-planned family activities. This time she just came to be part of our everyday life. I didn't tell Gretta she was coming. She was so excited when she saw her at the train station. She kept saying, "My Nana came to see ME!". I know it made Gretta feel very loved that her Nana came to see her. We sure enjoyed a relaxing few days with her. Gretta especially enjoyed Nana's visit. We went to the Farmer's Market and had a picnic. Gretta loves the bubble guy. We also went to Kidspace. My mom and Gretta also made cookies. Gretta loves to help in the kitchen.
Thanks mom for coming! We love you and can't wait to see you again soon.