Friday, January 17, 2014

Kids At Play

Lets just say that with mom hardly able to move and the kids on summer vacation here in Brazil there has been way more TV watching than I would like to admit. We are so glad Aunt Anna is coming to save us next week! 
This is how I found the girls after Carli's nap. Eating popcorn and watching TV on the Ipad. 
Then a little while later they brought Carli to me and told me they had eaten some ice cream and she needed a bath. LOL. Look at the cute chocolaty goodness face. 
The girls got the ice cream out all by themselves and even plugged in the Ipad to keep watching it because the battery was low. They are pretty resource full. 
Eric was on his way home "early" tonight after a work get together, but he hit traffic (a very usual occurrence in Sao Paulo) and it took him more than 1 hour to make it less than 5K. 
Usually I don't worry about him but once I realized it had been almost 1 1/2 since he called and said he was headed home and his phone was going straight to voice mail. I did panic a bit hoping he didn't get car jacked on the way home. It's been known to happen in Brazil. I decided if he wasn't home by 8:30 I was going to either call our friend who does security at the US Consulate or the emergency person for work. Luckily he walked in the door at 8:15. 
We were all so glad to see him!!!!
We are glad Aunt Anna is coming to enjoy some sunshine in Brazil and help me do a few fun things with the girls before our Brazil Adventure comes to an end. 
I have to admit I am a little sad to be coming home. I have really enjoyed our time here and feel like in someways we are just getting the hang of things. If I wasn't so SUPER pregnant and getting bigger and bigger by the day I would be happy to stay a few more months. 
I will always have fond memories of this big adventure:)