Sunday, January 26, 2014

St. Joseph Here We Come!

It's true we are coming back to St Joseph next week Tuesday. I am not sure I want to with all of the pictures our friends have posted of the Polar Vortex, snow,  blowing snow, crazy cold temperatures and winter that never seems to end, but all good things must come to and end and we must go home. 
Actually we were suppose to stay for 6 months and Whirlpool said we could stay the whole 6 months even though Eric is down with the original project he came down to work on. There are just a few things that complicate us staying any longer.
1. School for Gretta & Eliza- School here is SUPER expensive and we have used up the money set aside for school. The Brazilian kids go back to school tomorrow to start the new school year after having about a 6 week "summer vacation". Lets just say home schooling hasn't worked out as well as I would have liked. Probably because I am pregnant and tired and its hard to do it when Carli is awake. So we need to go back and get them back in school, so they don't have to repeat the year. 
Plus I am too pregnant and tired to watch all 3 girls from 9am until 8pm (Eric's work day here)

2. The baby boys. I actually have no reservations about having the babies here in Sao Paulo. Albert Einstein Hospital is one of the best hospitals in South America and better than the hospital in St Joesph for having babies. I have been impressed at the care I have received here. In fact it's less than 5 K from our house and the hospital I plan on delivering at in Michigan is more than 90 miles, which makes me a littler nervous consider the winter they are having in Michigan. 
It's just all of the complications that might happen that make having the babies here complicated. First they are due super close to the cut of of 183 days. That's the magic number of days we can spend in Brazil before Whirlpool has to pay a WHOLE bunch of taxes here for us. So they would like us home before 183 days. And once they are born we can't just fly home the next day we have to make and appointment and go to the US Consult and get their passports before we can leave which can take up to 8 weeks. So we would almost 100% for sure be over our 183 days. 
I also didn't bring anything for the babies. It's so hot they could live in diapers, but we don't have a crib, car seats, a car big enough for 7 people, and I can't imagine taking 5 kids home on the airplane! Plus we aren't ready at home for them either and that's going to take some work. We need to move Carli to the girls room and get their room set up. Thank goodness for Amazon prime. I think I am going to be ordering quite a few things when we get home to get ready:)

So with all of that said we felt like it was the right time to go. I will be almost 32 weeks pregnant. Luckily this pregnancy has gone very well but realistically the twins could be born anytime after 36 weeks or even earlier. So we figured that we shouldn't push our luck to make it to 36 weeks. 

I will miss all of the beautiful sunshine, pool time, great food, friends, and Teresa and Alanna. We did think about trying to bring Teresa and Alanna home with us, but it got to complicated even though Teresa really wanted to come. 

Michigan here we come just in time to hibernate/nest and get ready for the next big adventure in our life the TWINS!