Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eliza's 5 month check up

Does this baby look like failure to thrive??? Who knows what was up with her being so small for the first three months. However, since her 3 month check up she has turned into the happy, chubby baby she longed to be.

Eliza went to see Dr. Schlundt today for her 5 month check up. Here are her stats:
Height 25 1/2 inches 72% tile
Weight 15 lbs 15.5oz 65%
Head Circumference 42 cm 55%
Since her last check up she has learned to roll over from back to front. I think it took her so long because she rarely gets to be on the ground without her big sister "playing" with her.
She also laughs. It is so funny to see such a husky laugh come out of such a little baby. Gretta can really get her to laugh. It is fun to watch.
She is "talking" up a storm and seems to have a lot to say about everything.
She is also can tripod sit. She isn't that stable yet, but she is working on it.
She got her first blankie from Nana which she loves too.
She is such an easy, happy, and fun baby. She goes along with the flow very well, and enjoys tagging along with her big sister to all of her activities. We are so grateful for her and her sweet personality.