Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank you Nana!

We received a package from my mom in the mail today. Gretta loves to get packages. The mail man leaves them on our front door, and she gets so excited when we get off the elevator and there is a package waiting.
My mom sent Gretta a new blankie and also one for Eliza. Eliza's are going to be hot pink. Gretta was so excited to show Eliza how to hold the blankie.
Here is Eliza with both hers and Gretta's blankies.
My mom also sent Gretta a ballet outfit for her bear, the Friend Church Magazine, and a new blankie. Gretta loved having her "own" magazine to read just like the grown ups of the house.
Thank you so much!
P.S. I would also like to report that Gretta's first day of going to preschool by herself went great! She had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back by herself. She really is Miss Independent already.