Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Do you want some chocolate pudding?" and more random happenings

This afternoon Gretta was having an afternoon snack of chocolate pudding. She was sitting at her little table in the family room. I just turned my back to her to get her a drink of water, and when I looked back she had feed Eliza a bit of chocolate pudding. I guess she figured if she liked it Eliza would too. Oh course she did! Who wouldn't. After I paused to take the picture... I quickly cleaned it up, so she didn't really get more than a taste. Hopefully this doesn't start a refusal of all foods except chocolate at an early age. I was hoping Eliza would have a great range of acceptable food. We will have to see now.

Playing together.

Gretta asleep after a fun play date with her friend Isabell. She asked Eric where her blankie was and then quietly snuck off and fell asleep on Eliza boppy and toys. She was one tired girl. I wish I could figure out how to upload the video of her falling asleep at the table. I will work on it.