Friday, November 14, 2008

This Sunscreen.....

Banana Boat Baby Sunscreen SPF 50 which is suppose to be...

Pediatrician tested
As mild as water to baby's eyes and skin.
No tearing, no stinging.

however it caused this...
Can you say, "Ouch!!!". (Eric tried to avoid the mouth, so she wouldn't eat any of it.)
Gretta got a rash from this sunscreen one time before, so I decided not to use it. However, I didn't throw it away because I figured I could use it, or Eric, or Eliza. I guess I forgot to tell Eric not to put it on Gretta. When they were getting ready to go to Disneyland Gretta found it and told Eric that she needed to put her sunscreen on before they left. She even told him she needed it on her arms. I guess I taught her well. I just wish that the out come had been different. No skin cancer, but a horrible chemical burn instead:(
I took this picture the night they came home from Disneyland.
Poor thing.
Luckily she doesn't seem that bothered by it. She is such a trooper. I threw the sun screen away this time, and took her to the doctor.


Larissa said...

Oh my goodness! Never thought you'd have to be so careful with sunscreen.