Friday, December 6, 2013

Eliza's End of Year Performance

Today Eliza didn't have school today because this afternoon was her End of Year Performance for school. To make up for their missed day today she can go on Monday if she want's for "Water Day" She is still trying to decided if she wants to go or not. 
The Performance was a big deal today and also the "graduation" of K2  from Green Book Kids School to Green Book Fundamental which is grades 1-5th. We picked Eric up at 2pm and then Gretta on our way. We arrived just before 3pm and were overwhelmed by how many people where there. It was in a nice Theater with air conditioning and on site parking. Both of which are hard to come by in Sao Paulo. 
Eliza hadn't said much about the performance but a few weeks ago she was excited because they went by a big air conditioned bus to practice on the stage. Today she told me she had a costume to wear which was news to me. 
Each age group had two songs except for K 2 which did 3 and also had a video. 
All of the kids had darling uniforms. 
Eliza's class was "The Ugly Ducking" 
Eliza was front row and center and did a great job! 

PS. Today was the Draft for the World Cup if you didn't hear. I was a little worried about traffic because the draft also started at 2pm. Luckily it worked out okay. I guess Brazil got a good draft pick and the US not such a good one. It is really fun to be here in Brazil while they are getting read for the World Cup. It's such a big deal in every country in the world. Living outside of the US has really made me appreciate how much the world loves Soccer. 

Here are some of the little kids

The K2 kids theme was "The Wizard of Oz"