Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gretta's Birthday Survey

Linda called Gretta and asked her a few questions for her birthday. Here are Gretta's answers. Thanks Linda!

Gretta Fors 8th

1. Food: Panda Express Orange Chicken

2. Color: Pink

3. Channel to watch on Ipad or TV: Disney Channel H20

4. Subject in school in Brazil: English

5. Subject in school in Michigan: Art

6. Place to go on Vacation: DisneyWorld Florida

7. With a Million $ I would: buy a castle

8. Primary Song: When I am Baptized

9. To Play with my friends in winter: Build a snowfort

10. To Play with my friends in summer: Go to the beach

11. What I like most about Brazil: English classes at school

 Birthday Survey of Favorites Dec. 15,2013