Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sao Paulo Zoo- First Solo Outing With The Girls

The Gretta and Eliza have been on "Summer Vacation" from school for almost 2 weeks now, but today was Carli's first day off so we decided to celebrate by taking our first solo outing. I have been nervous to take the girls anywhere by myself, but I thought I could handle the Zoo. We have been to Zoo Safari and also the Botanical Garden that are right next to the Zoo with Eric, so at least I knew where we were going and I also knew once we were inside the Zoo we would be safe. I am worried about losing one of the kids in a large crowded open space or getting pick pocketed etc. 
It ended up being a great outing!!! The girls were so excited to go and we had a good time. It's so interesting to me because things that would be expensive at home are sometimes cheaper here and also visa verse. The entrance fee was about $16 USD for all of us, parking $6 USD and then we took a tour of the Zoo on a tram for about $7.50 USD. The tram was the best thing we did because I was also worried about having to walk to much and pushing Carli around is getting harder for me. I get tired easily and also exercise makes me have contractions which can be worrisome. We got a tour of the whole Zoo on the tram. We also could see quite a few of the animals from the tram and were able to decided where we wanted to go when we got off. Eliza brought along her crayons and a notebook so she could sketch some animals. She decided she want to sketch the elephants. 
It was super cute to see her take it so seriously. I wish I had gotten a picture of her sitting and sketching.

The Zoo was beautiful and very clean. We enjoyed all of the different kinds of monkeys, and the giraffes  and elephants were also big hit. They also had a large selection of different kinds of cats. I let Gretta take pictures of the animals while we were on the tram. They are a little hard to see. Then on the way home the girls got the camera back out of my purse and took some great pictures of each other. 
It was a fun outing. It only took me almost 3 months to get brave enough to venture out by ourselves:)