Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sao Paulo Consulate

Saturday we were invited to the Consulate. There are 3 men in our Ward (Church Congregation) that work for the US Consulate her in Sao Paulo. One of them arranged for the Young Men/Young Women (Youth ages 12-18) to spend Saturday afternoon at the Consulate swimming, playing tennis and soccer. Since Eric was called to serve as the 2nd Councilor in the Young Men's Presidency our family was invited to come along too. 
I was excited to see the Consulate. I learned that Embassy's are in Capital Cities and Consulates are located in large major cities. The Consulate in Sao Paulo is the 2nd largest Consulate in the world after Frankfurt Germany. 
Once we entered these doors they took away my cell phone and camera, so this is all the photos we have of the day. Security is tight! 
We had a nice time swimming and the Bishop (lay Leader of our Congregation) did a great job on the BBQ. Fun was had by all. Luckily it was a beautiful sunny day in Sao Paulo. Perfect for swimming.