Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gretta's 8th Birthday Party

Gretta loves to plan a party! She begged and begged me to rent out a whole party place for her birthday party and invite her whole class from school, or rent out the party place in our building and invite lots of people over, but I finally convinced her to have a small birthday party at home. I also promised she can have another party when we get home. 
It was still a little over whelming for me to figure out what to do and how to entertain everyone. It would be much easier if we had a Target down the street. Luckily Teresa came a few more days this week and was able to go to the store and get some stuff for the party for me. 
I sent her back to the place we got Eliza's white shirt and shorts for her End of School Show to get white shirt and shorts for the girls to decorate with their fabric markers. She also got a pink table cloth and pink cups and helped set up for the party. I couldn't have done it without her!
Gretta invited the two girls who live next door, Mari and Bia, and then Alanna and Allie both from church. Allie is a little bit younger but she is the only other girl at church who is an American and speaks English. 
Everyone had a great time. My neighbor Dani too all of these amazing pictures of the party. Monique came and painted the girls finger nails and toe nails and also mine. Plus Eliza did everyone's make up with her new make up kit. I brought Barbie plates and cups with me from the US and then luckily we found Barbie activity books at the market by our house. They were perfect for the party. The girls had fun decorating their shirts too. 
Dani asked me where we got the shirts and shorts and when I told her she about fell out of her chair. I guess it's considered a really dangerous bad part of town. She couldn't believe I went with Teresa there to get Eliza's stuff the first time. This time I just sent Teresa. Allie's dad works for the US Consulate in Security and he confirmed it's a pretty bad part of town. I am so glad we were safe when we went!!!!! He said he has been there before, but he carries a gun.  Dani told me her husband has never set foot there because it's so dangerous. It's a good thing I have a Brazilian neighbor to make sure I stay safe!
I am kind of sad because I wanted to go back with Eric and go shopping there because everything was so cheap. I guess I am going to have to reconsider. There is another street that is Rua 25 de Marco also cheap and safer. I guess we will just go there instead. 
The party was a huge success and we all had a good time. 
I am so grateful for the friends we have make in our short time here.