Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grandma Gretta's Funeral

Gretta Jeanne Brossard Huff's funeral was held on Saturday, August 30, 2008 at the Park Center Ward Building. It was a lovely affair. She would have been so happy to know that over 100 people attended. She was always worried that no one would attend her funeral. She was mostly worried about that because she out lived all of her sisters and brother. She even out lived her baby sister Barbara.

Ever one of Grandma's three children, children's spouses, ten grandchildren and grand children's spouses and all eleven great grandchildren were present. Our family took up 4 pews of the church.

My Uncle George gave a wonderful life sketch. My Grandmother lived a wonderful 96 years. Then Del Parkison played Clare De Lune by Debussy. He is a concert pianist who teaches at Boise State. He took typing from my Grandmother when he was in 9th grade in Blackfoot, Idaho. Then my mom spoke. She did a great job. You could really feel how much she loved her mother. My Grandfather and Mom have really served my Grandmother with Christ like service in the last few months of her life.

Then my Aunt Jeanne and Del Parkinson played an Organ/Piano duet. This was followed by some remarks from a family friend who use to be their Bishop.
It was a wonderful spirit filled service, and a great tribute to my Grandmother.

Here are some pictures from the Graveside service at Pioneer Cemetery.

Eric Fors, Jordan Lee, George Huff Jr, Greg Robison, Gabe Bartoo, John Robison, Jimmy Robison

Grandfather George Huff and George Huff Jr.

Natalie, Jeanne, George, Carolyn and Maya
Jeanne, George and Carolyn
Jack Snyder

Jack Snyder

George Jr, Carolyn, Grandfather, Jeanne
Gretta looking so sad.
Gretta was really upset by the days events. She told me that we saw Grandma in the bed and then kissed her good bye. She really loved Grandma. Grandma also really loved Gretta. I know that our trip to Boise was different without her, and Gretta noticed.