Tuesday, November 5, 2013

All you need is a Car..... by Eric

Every morning outside our condo complex, the "blue tarp restaurant" is open for business to all passersby. I haven't had the chance to eat there yet. But, someday I will. The gentleman has a very elaborate set up. He has poles sticking out of the back of his "Datsunesque" car that he puts a blue tarp over. He's got a thermos of coffee and shot glass size cups that he gives to every paying customer. Hanging from the tarp he has a roll of paper towels that he also uses to run operations. The customers sit down on the white plastic chairs and enjoy good conversation and some good cakes and pastries. 

So whenever you're in the neighborhood, look me up and we can got get a cup of hot cocoa and some breakfast pastries from the good ol' "blue tarp restaurant".