Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Michigan Winter Wonderland

Monday it was 92 degrees here and Tuesday when it was 87 degrees here in Sao Paulo our friends at home in Michigan got between 9-18 inches of school and school was closed! My friend, Liz, was nice enough to drive by our house and take a picture of it to show the girls what our house looked like after the big storm. Thanks Liz! Gretta had fun talking with two of her friends on FaceTime, but it made her sad and want to be home in the big snow storm. I have to agree I don't love long winters, but a unexpected snow day in November for a kid is a lot of fun. I am sure there will still be enough winter left when we get home.
Plus I was dying here! Luckily it cooled off the rest of the week!!! I would say that only a few apartments in our condo complex have A/C/  A/C is't pretty rare here in Sao Paulo. I am not sure exactly why. I think the power to run them might be expensive. We bought a few more fans this week and I will hope we don't get another heat wave anytime soon. It's way to hot for this pregnant mama. Plus the pool was closed this week. That's another story for another day:(